UX Design and Development
Smart [AR] Mini-Application
As an initial step to becoming a smart city, municipalities have used ranges of applications and platforms, the most useful means of communication, to improve services provisions. This app provides the design, development, and testing of an augmented reality (AR) application for smartphones and tablets that have the main objective of testing citizen understanding about the concept of digital placemaking approach. In this project, we used augmented reality to provide engaging interactions and information about proposed locations for future public art projects in Mashhad city. The results of the mini-app' user engagement will be indexed on IEEE.
Demo version of the AR part
ParentingPlan Application
The process of using the application
After filling in the questionnaire by the parents and identifying the parent training system, parents are asked to enter my plant section - Picture one. Then they are requested to go with their children to the plant and animal selection - Picture Two. After selecting the favorite animal and plant, the other children would also share their choice, then the children could choose their team, and the forest is complete in this section- Picture Three. Before getting the start, one animation shows how the app works, and it describes to children how it look-alikes to his or her task! The final part is for the parents. In this section - Picture four - the child-selected pots would have shown, and additional guidance would also provide. In the "Help" section, parents would learn about the particular purpose of this project, how and in which way they can sell their pots to support children with cancer in the charity market. The results of the application and the website's functionality and user experiences were used in my thesis.